Plot Summary Of “The King Lear” By Shakespeare

Lear, the King Of Britain, decides to break his kingdom into three, but first he demands they express their love for him. Cordelia, the youngest of his three daughters, says nothing about her father to him. King Lear is furious and eventually disowns Cordelia. Cordelia was once the Duke of Burgundy’s choice for his wife. However, Lear informs him that Cordelia is no longer eligible for a dowry. Cordelia, however, is not allowed to go with the King. Lear furiously excommunicates Kent, Lear’s servant who tries telling his king he made mistakes. Lear splits the kingdom among Goneril & Regan. He then tells Kent that he will be living with both, each time accompanied at least 100 of his knights.

Edmund, the bastard son of Earl of Gloucester, is jealous over Edgar’s legitimate heir and plots to destroy his father-brother. Edmund tells Gloucester Edgar wants him to die. Edgar flees and pretends to be Tom O’Bedlam. Lear later goes to live at Goneril. She is furious at her father and his knights. Oswald orders her servants to rudely address Lear and his knights. Kent disguises himself and returns to Lear’s service. Goneril meets Lear finally when she tells her that she’s tired of his knights fighting and rioting. Lear, furious once more, leaves for Regan believing that she will make him feel more open and friendly. Lear is furious when Cornwall and Regan refuse to let him see them at the castle. Regan and Goneril finally meet Lear, and they tell him that they won’t allow him to stay with them unless all his knights are gone. Furious, Lear fled outside into the storm and his daughters barred him from the castle.

Kent then sets out to find Lear. A gentleman tells Kent that Lear is within reach. King Lear continues to rage, and Kent is trying to convince the Fool to allow him to go back to his girls and ask for shelter. Kent eventually finds Lear and leads him to shelter. Kent takes them to shelter in a nearby house, but Lear doesn’t want to go, so the Fool enters by himself. He leaves the shelter quickly and chases Tom O’Bedlam. Lear sees Edgar naked and asks him to take off his clothes. Gloucester discovers the clothes and attempts to convince the king to accompany him to the castle. Lear promises he will go, but only if Edgar is available to accompany him. He gives shelter to the group at his castle, and asks Kent for Cordelia to take Lear. Regan and Cornwall blind Gloucester after he returns to the castle.

After being kicked off the gates, Gloucester and Edgar are led to Dover. Oswald tries and kills Gloucester in Dover. But Edgar intervenes to stop Oswald. Lear wakes to see Cordelia. Cordelia forgives him and he is soon back in his normal state. The battle between the British and French armies takes place soon after. The British lose. Lear is captured by Cordelia and they are taken to prison. Edmund challenges Albany, and Edgar is named his champion. Both Edgar and Edmund duel. Edgar, who is then killed by Gloucester, reveals his identity to him after the duel. Edmund tells everyone about his orders for Cordelia’s execution. He also dies shortly afterwards. Goneril poisons Regan before she commits suicide. Finally, Lear discovers Cordelia has also died and then dies from grief.


  • makhiknapp

    Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.



Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.