What Is The Difference Between Persuasive And Argumentative Writing

Persuasive writing is aimed at convincing the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a particular action. Argumentative writing, on the other hand, is aimed at proving that one point of view is more valid than another. In persuasive writing, the writer’s goal is to present a convincing case that leads the reader to a particular conclusion. In argumentative writing, the goal is to present evidence and reasoning that leads to a logical conclusion.

One key difference between persuasive and argumentative writing is the use of evidence. In persuasive writing, the writer may present personal anecdotes, expert opinions, or statistics to support their argument. However, the focus is on convincing the reader to take a particular action or adopt a particular point of view. In argumentative writing, the focus is on proving that one point of view is more valid than another. This is done by presenting evidence and reasoning to support the argument.

Another key difference is the tone of the writing. Persuasive writing is often more informal and less argumentative. The goal is to persuade the reader, not to attack or criticize them. Argumentative writing is more formal and argumentative. The goal is to present evidence and reasoning to support the argument, and to refute any opposing arguments.

Finally, persuasive writing is often shorter and less detailed than argumentative writing. The goal is to persuade the reader, not to provide a comprehensive examination of the issue. Argumentative writing is longer and more detailed, as the goal is to present a strong case that proves one point of view is more valid than another.

What are 2 differences between argumentative and persuasive writing?

When it comes to writing, there are two main styles that people use: argumentative and persuasive. Though they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two.

Argumentative writing is all about presenting a point of view and trying to convince the reader to agree with you. You use evidence to back up your argument, and you may also use logical reasoning and emotional appeals to make your case.

Persuasive writing, on the other hand, is all about getting the reader to take action. You use emotional appeals and logical reasoning to convince the reader to do something, whether it’s to buy a product, vote for a candidate, or make a change in their behavior.

The key difference between the two is that argumentative writing aims to change the reader’s mind, while persuasive writing aims to change the reader’s behavior.

Argumentative writing is often used in academic settings, while persuasive writing is more common in business and marketing contexts.

What is a persuasive or argumentative essay?

A persuasive or argumentative essay is a type of writing in which the writer attempts to persuade the reader to agree with his or her position on a particular topic. In order to persuade the reader, the writer must provide evidence or arguments to support his or her position. A persuasive essay must be well-organized, and the arguments must be logical and convincing.

What are the similarities between argumentative and persuasive writing?

When it comes to writing, argumentative and persuasive writing share some similarities, but they are also distinct in important ways.

Both argumentative and persuasive writing aim to change people’s minds. However, argumentative writing is more likely to aim to prove that one side of an argument is right, while persuasive writing is more likely to aim to get the reader to take a certain action or to agree with a certain point of view.

In terms of structure, argumentative writing usually has three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction introduces the topic and states the writer’s position. The body presents evidence to support the position taken in the introduction. The conclusion restates the position and sums up the evidence.

Persuasive writing, on the other hand, usually has five parts: the introduction, the three main points, and the conclusion. The introduction states the topic and the writer’s position. The first main point presents evidence to support the position. The second main point presents evidence to support the first main point.

The third main point presents evidence to support the second main point. The conclusion restates the position and sums up the evidence.

What is one major difference between persuasive writing and argumentative writing Quizizz?

The main difference between persuasive writing and argumentative writing is that persuasive writing aims to convince the reader to believe in the author’s opinion, while argumentative writing aims to prove that the author’s opinion is correct. In persuasive writing, the author typically uses logic, emotional appeals, and statistics to back up their argument. In argumentative writing, the author must use evidence to support their argument, and they must also be prepared to refute any opposing arguments.

Persuasive vs argumentative venn diagram

A persuasive essay is an essay written to convince a reader of an argument. An argumentative essay is an essay written to defend a position. In a persuasive essay, the writer tries to convince the reader to agree with the position. In an argumentative essay, the writer tries to convince the reader to adopt the position.

A persuasive essay may use emotional appeals to try to convince the reader to agree. An argumentative essay may use logical appeals to try to convince the reader to adopt the position.

A persuasive essay may use data or statistics to try to make its argument. An argumentative essay may use anecdotal evidence to try to make its argument.

A persuasive essay may use a personal story to try to make its argument. An argumentative essay may use a hypothetical story to try to make its argument.

A persuasive essay may use a rhetorical question to try to make its argument. An argumentative essay may use a definition to try to make its argument.

A persuasive essay may make an analogy to try to make its argument. An argumentative essay may use a counter-argument to try to make its argument.

In a persuasive essay, the writer’s goal is to convince the reader to agree with the position. In an argumentative essay, the writer’s goal is to convince the reader to adopt the position.


  • makhiknapp

    Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.



Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.