How Is An Explanatory Essay Different From An Argumentative Essay

Explanatory and argumentative essays are two different types of essays that students may encounter in their academic careers. While they have some similarities, there are key differences between the two.

The main difference between explanatory and argumentative essays is the purpose of the essay. An explanatory essay is meant to explain a topic or idea to the reader, while an argumentative essay is meant to persuade the reader to accept the writer’s point of view.

Explanatory essays are typically less controversial than argumentative essays. They are typically used to explain a topic or idea in a clear and concise way. Argumentative essays, on the other hand, can be more controversial, as they often involve debating a particular point of view.

Another key difference between explanatory and argumentative essays is the tone of the essay. Explanatory essays typically have a neutral tone, while argumentative essays often have a more aggressive tone.

Explanatory and argumentative essays also have different structures. An explanatory essay typically has a simple structure, while an argumentative essay has a more complex structure.

Overall, explanatory and argumentative essays are two different types of essays that students may encounter in their academic careers. While they have some similarities, there are key differences between the two.

How does an argumentative essay differ from an explanatory thesis?

An explanatory thesis provides an account of a particular phenomenon, while an argumentative thesis argues a particular point of view. An explanatory thesis might argue that a certain event caused a particular outcome, while an argumentative thesis might argue that a certain policy is the best way to address a given issue. An argumentative thesis typically takes a stand on an issue, while an explanatory thesis typically provides an account of a particular event or phenomenon.

What is the difference between explanatory and argumentative persuasive synthesis?

Explanatory persuasive synthesis is a form of writing that provides an explanation of a topic or issue. It is often used to provide background information for a reader before presenting an argument. Argumentative persuasive synthesis is a form of writing that presents an argument on a topic or issue. It is often used to persuade a reader to agree with a position.

The main difference between explanatory and argumentative persuasive synthesis is the purpose of the writing. Explanatory persuasive synthesis is written to provide information or to explain a topic or issue. Argumentative persuasive synthesis is written to persuade a reader to agree with a position.

Another difference between these two types of synthesis is the tone of the writing. Explanatory persuasive synthesis typically has a neutral tone, while argumentative persuasive synthesis typically has a persuasive tone.

Finally, explanatory persuasive synthesis is typically longer than argumentative persuasive synthesis.

How does informative explanatory writing differ from narrative or argumentative writing?

Informative explanatory writing is designed to teach the reader something. The author provides clear and concise information, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand language. In contrast, narrative writing tells a story, while argumentative writing makes an argument.

One of the key differences between explanatory writing and other genres is that explanatory writing always has a thesis statement. This statement tells the reader what the author plans to teach them. The body of the essay then provides evidence to support the thesis. In contrast, narrative and argumentative writing do not always have a thesis statement.

Explanatory writing is also typically more organized and structured than other genres. The author typically provides a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This organization makes it easy for the reader to follow the author’s argument. In contrast, narrative and argumentative writing are often more fluid and lack a clear structure.

Finally, explanatory writing is typically more objective than other genres.

The author avoids using personal opinions and instead relies on facts and evidence to support their argument. In contrast, narrative and argumentative writing often use personal opinions and anecdotes to support their argument.

What is the difference between argumentative essay and persuasive essay?

An argumentative essay is a paper in which a student takes a position on a controversial issue and argues for that position using evidence. A persuasive essay is a paper in which a student takes a position on a controversial issue and argues for that position using evidence and logic.

The biggest difference between these two types of essays is the level of proof that the writer must provide. An argumentative essay must provide strong evidence in order to support the position that the writer is taking. A persuasive essay does not necessarily need to provide strong evidence, but it must be persuasive in order to convince the reader to adopt the writer’s position.

Another difference between these two types of essays is the tone that they use. An argumentative essay typically adopts a more aggressive tone in order to convince the reader of the validity of the writer’s position. A persuasive essay typically adopts a more conciliatory tone in order to convince the reader to adopt the writer’s position.

What is an explanatory essay?

An explanatory essay is a type of writing that is used to explain a certain topic or idea. This type of essay is typically used to explain things that may be difficult to understand, such as complicated theories or scientific concepts.

Explanatory essays are typically broken down into a few different sections. The first section of an explanatory essay is typically a brief introduction, which explains the purpose of the essay. The second section is typically a full explanation of the topic or idea that is being discussed. The third section is typically a conclusion, which sums up the points that were made in the essay.

Explanatory essays can be helpful for students who are studying difficult topics, or for people who want to learn more about a certain subject. They can also be used to explain things that are confusing or unclear.


  • makhiknapp

    Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.



Makhi is a 34 yo educational blogger who is passionate about writing and exploring new content ideas. She has a degree in English from the University of Utah and is currently working as a teacher in a public school in Utah. Makhi has been published in numerous online journals and has been featured on national television networks.